Jules COHEN (1835-1901). The blueberries - Lot 10

Lot 10
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Estimation :
500 - 700 EUR
Jules COHEN (1835-1901). The blueberries - Lot 10
Jules COHEN (1835-1901). The blueberries Opera in four acts, poem by Eugène Cormon and Henri Trianon Théâtre-Lyrique, 1867 TELORY, ill. Imp. Bertauts in Paris - Ed. Léon Escudier in Paris 75 x 55 cm - E. Emmanuel CHABRIER (1841-1894). Gwendoline Opera in 2 acts and 3 tableaux, after the poem of Catulle-Mendès Théâtre Royal de la Monnaie in Brussels, 1886 BARRIZET, ill. Imp. Fouquet in Paris - Ed. Enoch et Costallat Poster in two colors 65 x 53,5 cm - E. Emmanuel CHABRIER. Gwendoline Opera in two acts and three tableaux, after Catulle Mendès Nespoulos in the role of Marthe M. REYNARD, ill. Posters Reynard. Bichromy Imp. Karcher in Paris 108 x 76,5 cm - E. Justin CLÉRICE (1863-1908). Pavie, episode of the Italian Campaign Comic opera in three acts, lyrics by Léon Garnier First performance in Paris in 1897 FARIA, ill. Imp. Formstecher in Paris - Ed. C. Joubert in Paris Chromolithography 84 x 65 cm - E.
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